Welcome to Hell
What do you think you're doing here? Did you fall for a fake popup?
I'm just teasing, congrats on finding your way to my little temple of corruption.
My name is Virus, [yes, really] everyone calls me that, even in real life.
I'm 26 years old, a little over 6 feet tall, I have red hair, and orange antennae.
Oh... and 10 arms, if you count the ones on my back... but don't let that bother you.
If you want to see me, sorry, but I don't like posting pictures of myself.
I do have a drawing of myself, it makes me look a lot cuter than I actually am.

By the way, the shirt in that picture is the cover of my favorite record, did you know there's some super messed up music videos for it?
But they are so cool, probably not for the weak of heart though.
I saw there's gonna be a new NIN album soon, I hope it's like Broken and The Downward Spiral...